为了找到作为经典自闭症和症候群性自闭症共同基础的共有的分子通路,Huda Zogbhi及其同事应用编码人类蛋白质的DNA序列库绘制了数千个蛋白-蛋白间的相互作用图。用已知的自闭症相关性蛋白作为钓饵,研究人员在DNA库中进行垂钓以吸引其伙伴蛋白。他们发现了大约500种与自闭症相关性蛋白有相互作用的蛋白质。换言之,研究人员显示,所有自身与自闭症有关联的蛋白都会通过共有伙伴蛋白而以某种方式联系在一起。该研究团队的蛋白-蛋白相互作用图凸显了非常紧密地连接的蛋白质;例如那些已知的在脆性X综合症中发生突变的蛋白。他们的相互作用图还显示,2种与经典自闭症相关的蛋白(SHANK3 和 TSC1)会发生相互作用并共有21个共同的伙伴蛋白。这一新的作用图是朝着揭示可作为药物标靶以治疗数种不同形式自闭症的通路所迈出的早期的一步。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Science Translational Medicine DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3002166
Protein Interactome Reveals Converging Molecular Pathways Among Autism Disorders
Sakai, Yasunari; Shaw, Chad A.; Dawson, Brian C.; Dugas, Diana V.; Al-Mohtaseb, Zaina; Hill, David E.; Zoghbi, Huda Y.
To uncover shared pathogenic mechanisms among the highly heterogeneous autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), we developed a proteininteraction network that identified hundreds of new interactions among proteins encoded by ASD-associated genes. We discoveredunexpectedly high connectivity between SHANK and TSC1, previously implicated in syndromic autism, suggesting that common molecularpathways underlie autistic phenotypes in distinct syndromes. ASD patients were more likely to harbor copy number variationsthat encompass network genes than were control subjects. We also identified, in patients with idiopathic ASD, three de novolesions (deletions in 16q23.3 and 15q22 and one duplication in Xq28) that involve three network genes (NECAB2, PKM2, and FLNA). The protein interaction network thus provides a framework for identifying causes of idiopathic autism and for understandingmolecular pathways that underpin both syndromic and idiopathic ASDs.