近日,国际著名学术期刊Molecular and Cellular Biology在线刊登了了中科院上海生命科学研究院和上海交通大学医学院健康所核酸与分子医学研究组研究人员的最新研究成果“AU-Rich Element-Dependent Translation Repression Requires the Cooperation of Tristetraprolin and RCK/P54。”,文章中,研究人员在RNA结合蛋白调节信使RNA翻译研究中取得了新进展。
ARE-mRNA是3′-UTR区富含AU序列(AU-rich element, ARE)为特征的一类mRNA,它们在转录后水平受到多蛋白网络多层次的严密调控。Tristetraprolin(TTP)是至今研究最为广泛的ARE结合蛋白,其基因敲除小鼠会导致严重的自身免疫性疾病。已有研究表明,TTP调节ARE-mRNA的降解,但TTP是否通过其它机制调控ARE-mRNA的表达,尚不清楚。
AU-Rich Element-Dependent Translation Repression Requires the Cooperation of Tristetraprolin and RCK/P54.
Mei-Yan Qi1, Zhi-Zhang Wang1, Zhuo Zhang2, Qin Shao1, An Zeng1, Xiang-Qi Li1, Wen-Qing Li1, Chen Wang1, Fu-Ju Tian1, Qing Li1, Jun Zou1, Yong-Wen Qin2, Gary Brewer1,4, Shuang Huang2,3 and Qing Jing1,2,*
AU-rich elements (AREs), residing in the 3′ UTR of many labile mRNAs, are important cis-acting elements to modulate the stability of these mRNAs by collaborating with trans-acting factors such as Tristetraprolin (TTP). AREs also regulate translation, but the underlying mechanism is not fully understood. Here we examined the function and mechanism of TTP in ARE-mRNA translation. Through a luciferase-based reporter system, we demonstrate that TTP represses ARE reporter mRNA translation by employing knockdown, overexpression, and tethering assays in 293T cells. Polyribosome fractionation experiments showed that TTP shifts target mRNAs to lighter fractions. In murine RAW264.7 macrophages, knocking down TTP produces significantly more TNF-α than the control, while the corresponding mRNA level has a marginal change. Furthermore, knockdown of TTP increases the biosynthesis rate of TNF-α cytokine, suggesting that TTP can exert effects at translational levels. Finally, we demonstrate that general translational repressor RCK may cooperate with TTP to regulate ARE-mRNA translation. Collectively, our studies reveal a novel function of TTP in repressing ARE-mRNA translation and that RCK is a functional partner of TTP in promoting TTP-mediated translational repression.