近日,美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校Adil Anjem 和James A. Imlay做了一项有意义的实验,验证了单核金属酶与过氧化氢的直接关系,并且阐明了在过氧化氢环境下单核金属酶失活的机制。实验表明,多种酶对过氧化氢十分敏感而失活,但是这种损伤往往是可逆的。因此,使用特殊的离子来偶联酶蛋白也许可以躲避氧化剂的危害。此项研究,发表在3月12日美国《生物化学期刊》(JBC)上。
在过氧化氢的环境中,大肠杆菌通过诱导MntH、Dps来保护这三种蛋白。这些蛋白可以协调作用,通过调节非氧化型锰来代替金属离子。(生物谷Bioon.com )
doi: 10.1074/jbc.M111.330365
Mononuclear iron enzymes are primary targets of hydrogen peroxide stress
Adil Anjem and James A. Imlay..
This study tested whether non-redox metalloenzymes are commonly charged with iron in vivo and are primary targets of oxidative stress because of it. Indeed, three sample mononuclear enzymes--peptide deformylase, threonine dehydrogenase, and cytosine deaminase--were rapidly damaged by micromolar hydrogen peroxide in vitro and in live Escherichia coli.The first two enzymes use a cysteine residue to coordinate the catalytic metal atom; it was quantitatively oxidized by the radical that the Fenton reaction generated. Since oxidized cysteine can be repaired by cellular reductants, the effect was to avoid irreversible damage to other active-site residues. Nevertheless, protracted H2O2 exposure gradually inactivated these enzymes, consistent with the overoxidation of the cysteine residue to sulfinic or sulfonic forms. During H2O2 stress E. coli defended all three proteins by inducing MntH, a manganese importer, and Dps, an iron-sequestration protein. These proteins appeared to collaborate in replacing the iron atom with non-oxidizable manganese. The implication is that mononuclear metalloproteins are common targets of H2O2 and that both structural and metabolic arrangements exist to protect them