京都大学教授冈村均率领的研究小组在新一期美国《细胞—报告》Cell Reports上发表论文说,他们在动物实验中使用破坏了肝脏内生物钟的小鼠和正常小鼠,调查了核苷酸生成的酶的变化。结果发现正常小鼠白天酶的生成量是夜间的四分之一左右,其量的变化是有规律的,大致呈抛物线状,而体内生物钟被破坏的小鼠,酶量的变化则是混乱的。
Rhythmic Nucleotide Synthesis in the Liver: Temporal Segregation of Metabolites
Jean-Michel Fustin, Masao Doi, Hiroyuki Yamada, Rie Komatsu, Shigeki Shimba, Hitoshi Okamura
The synthesis of nucleotides in the body is centrally controlled by the liver, via salvage or de novo synthesis. We reveal a pervasive circadian influence on hepatic nucleotide metabolism, from rhythmic gene expression of rate-limiting enzymes to oscillating nucleotide metabolome in wild-type (WT) mice. Genetic disruption of the hepatic clock leads to aberrant expression of these enzymes, together with anomalous nucleotide rhythms, such as constant low levels of ATP with an excess in uric acid, the degradation product of purines. These results clearly demonstrate that the hepatic circadian clock orchestrates nucleotide synthesis and degradation. This circadian metabolome timetable, obtained using state-of-the-art capillary electrophoresis time-of-flight mass spectrometry, will guide further investigations in nucleotide metabolism-related disorders.