在本文中,研究者发现,R7和R8也能够感受物体的运动。通过电生理实验、光学实验和行为学实验,研究者发现,R7和R8感光受体接收到的信号汇聚在负责运动的通路,并形成输出。这一现象说明,通过对不同类型的感光细胞接收的多重信息加以整合,果蝇才得以拥有良好的视动反应。研究人员指出,通过多光谱的感光受体接收信号可以增加对于物体运动辨别能力,从而提高观察力。(生物谷 Bioon.com )
Multiple Spectral Inputs Improve Motion Discrimination in the Drosophila Visual System
Trevor J. Wardill1, Olivier List1, Xiaofeng Li, Sidhartha Dongre, Marie McCulloch, Chun-Yuan Ting, Cahir J. O’Kane, Shiming Tang, Chi-Hon Lee, Roger C. Hardie, Mikko Juusola.
Color and motion information are thought to be channeled through separate neural pathways, but it remains unclear whether and how these pathways interact to improve motion perception. In insects, such as Drosophila, it has long been believed that motion information is fed exclusively by one spectral class of photoreceptor, so-called R1 to R6 cells; whereas R7 and R8 photoreceptors, which exist in multiple spectral classes, subserve color vision. Here, we report that R7 and R8 also contribute to the motion pathway. By using electrophysiological, optical, and behavioral assays, we found that R7/R8 information converge with and shape the motion pathway output, explaining flies’ broadly tuned optomotor behavior by its composite responses. Our results demonstrate that inputs from photoreceptors of different spectral sensitivities improve motion discrimination, increasing robustness of perception.