在细胞中,编码蛋白质的信息首先从DNA转录成mRNA,mRNA再指导蛋白质合成,但是mRNA并不是DNA的简单复制,DNA最初复制得到的是前体mRNA(pre-messenger RNA),前体mRNA经过剪接编辑过程,剪掉不必要的内含子序列,留下编码蛋白质的外显子,再将这些外显子拼接在一起而得到mRNA。为了使这种“剪切-粘贴”机制能准确无误地进行,在剪接开始时,必须由另一外更小的RNA——U1进行引导,以便正确识别内含子的剪接位点。
Widespread recognition of 5' splice sites by noncanonical base-pairing to U1 snRNA involving bulged nucleotides
X. Roca, M. Akerman, H. Gaus, A. Berdeja, C. F. Bennett, A. R. Krainer
An established paradigm in pre-mRNA splicing is the recognition of the 5′ splice site (5′ss) by canonical base-pairing to the 5′ end of U1 small nuclear RNA (snRNA). We recently reported that a small subset of 5′ss base-pair to U1 in an alternate register that is shifted by 1 nucleotide. Using genetic suppression experiments in human cells, we now demonstrate that many other 5′ss are recognized via noncanonical base-pairing registers involving bulged nucleotides on either the 5′ss or U1 RNA strand, which we term "bulge registers." By combining experimental evidence with transcriptome-wide free-energy calculations of 5′ss/U1 base-pairing, we estimate that 10,248 5′ss (?5% of human 5′ss) in 6577 genes use bulge registers. Several of these 5′ss occur in genes with mutations causing genetic diseases and are often associated with alternative splicing. These results call for a redefinition of an essential element for gene expression that incorporates these registers, with important implications for the molecular classification of splicing mutations and for alternative splicing.