在过去的几十年里我们读取DNA的能力取得了巨大的进步。但是对于我们来说,理解和改变遗传代码,也就是说重新速写DNA编码的指令的能力还远远不足。近日,来自魏兹曼研究所研究人员的一项研究推进了我们对于遗传代码的理解,这种方法是将大量预先设计好的DNA片段引入活细胞的基因组中,然后检测其引入后对基因组的改变。这项研究刊登在了6月份的国际杂志Nature Biotechnology和Nature Genetics上。
“这种快速的技术可以帮助我们明显加快理解DNA语言的能力”研究者Eran Segal表示,他还补充道,读出一个人的整个基因组序列是一件非常巨大的任务,毕竟基因组就还是一长串的字符串,而且有些部分难以理解。破解DNA的字符串就好比是理解一种外国语言一样,我们的这样技术可以帮助大家识别出DNA的词语以及理解其意思。
编译自:Rewriting DNA to Understand What It Says
Inferring gene regulatory logic from high-throughput measurements of thousands of systematically designed promoters
Eilon Sharon,1, 2, 5 Yael Kalma,1, 2, 5 Ayala Sharp,2 Tali Raveh-Sadka,1 Michal Levo,1 Danny Zeevi,1, 2 Leeat Keren,1, 2 Zohar Yakhini,3, 4 Adina Weinberger1, 2 & Eran Segal1,
Despite extensive research, our understanding of the rules according to which cis-regulatory sequences are converted into gene expression is limited. We devised a method for obtaining parallel, highly accurate gene expression measurements from thousands of designed promoters and applied it to measure the effect of systematic changes in the location, number, orientation, affinity and organization of transcription-factor binding sites and nucleosome-disfavoring sequences. Our analyses reveal a clear relationship between expression and binding-site multiplicity, as well as dependencies of expression on the distance between transcription-factor binding sites and gene starts which are transcription-factor specific, including a striking ~10-bp periodic relationship between gene expression and binding-site location. We show how this approach can measure transcription-factor sequence specificities and the sensitivity of transcription-factor sites to the surrounding sequence context, and compare the activity of 75 yeast transcription factors. Our method can be used to study both cis and trans effects of genotype on transcriptional, post-transcriptional and translational control.
Manipulating nucleosome disfavoring sequences allows fine-tune regulation of gene expression in yeast
Tali Raveh-Sadka,1, 2, 4 Michal Levo,1, 2, 4 Uri Shabi,3 Boaz Shany,1, 2 Leeat Keren,1, 2 Maya Lotan-Pompan,1, 2 Danny Zeevi,1, 2 Eilon Sharon,1, 2 Adina Weinberger1, 2 & Eran Segal1, 2
Understanding how precise control of gene expression is specified within regulatory DNA sequences is a key challenge with far-reaching implications. Many studies have focused on the regulatory role of transcription factor–binding sites. Here, we explore the transcriptional effects of different elements, nucleosome-disfavoring sequences and, specifically, poly(dA:dT) tracts that are highly prevalent in eukaryotic promoters. By measuring promoter activity for a large-scale promoter library, designed with systematic manipulations to the properties and spatial arrangement of poly(dA:dT) tracts, we show that these tracts significantly and causally affect transcription. We show that manipulating these elements offers a general genetic mechanism, applicable to promoters regulated by different transcription factors, for tuning expression in a predictable manner, with resolution that can be even finer than that attained by altering transcription factor sites. Overall, our results advance the understanding of the regulatory code and suggest a potential mechanism by which promoters yielding prespecified expression patterns can be designed.