本文的研究者发现,microRNA复合体也能靶向非编码RNA并对其进行调节。实验表明,在秀丽新小杆线虫中,Argonaute家族的ALG-1蛋白特异性的结合在microRNAlet-7原始转录本的3'端,并调节下游的生物学事件。而介导这一过程的正是let-7本身。进一步研究证明,在人体中,ALG-1也能与let-7的原始转录本结合。这一研究阐述了一种microRNA新的作用机制,即microRNA除了靶向mRNA调节翻译外,还可以靶向非编码RNA对自身的表达进行反馈调节。(生物谷 Bioon.com )
Autoregulation of microRNA biogenesis by let-7 and Argonaute
Dimitrios G. Zisoulis, Zoya S. Kai, Roger K. Chang & Amy E. Pasquinelli.
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) comprise a large family of small RNA molecules that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression in many biological pathways1. Most miRNAs are derived from long primary transcripts that undergo processing by Drosha to produce ~65-nucleotide precursors that are then cleaved by Dicer, resulting in the mature 22-nucleotide forms2, 3. Serving as guides in Argonaute protein complexes, mature miRNAs use imperfect base pairing to recognize sequences in messenger RNA transcripts, leading to translational repression and destabilization of the target messenger RNAs4, 5. Here we show that the miRNA complex also targets and regulates non-coding RNAs that serve as substrates for the miRNA-processing pathway. We found that the Argonaute protein in Caenorhabditis elegans, ALG-1, binds to a specific site at the 3′ end of let-7 miRNA primary transcripts and promotes downstream processing events. This interaction is mediated by mature let-7 miRNA through a conserved complementary site in its own primary transcript, thus creating a positive-feedback loop. We further show that ALG-1 associates with let-7 primary transcripts in nuclear fractions. Argonaute also binds let-7 primary transcripts in human cells, demonstrating that the miRNA pathway targets non-coding RNAs in addition to protein-coding messenger RNAs across species. Moreover, our studies in C. elegans reveal a novel role for Argonaute in promoting biogenesis of a targeted transcript, expanding the functions of the miRNA pathway in gene regulation. This discovery of autoregulation of let-7 biogenesis establishes a new mechanism for controlling miRNA expression.