mitoKATP是心脏和其他器官细胞内线粒体中的一种钾离子通道,而且已知它能够防止因心脏病或中风发作而产生的组织伤害。它非常稀有,因而一些科学家甚至怀疑它的存在,而很多其他科学家放弃寻找它的分子结构。如今,来自美国约翰霍普金斯大学的一个研究小组确定出这种蛋白的结构组成。更为重要的是,这种新发现的离子通道强烈地改善心脏细胞的存活,从而表明它发挥着一种不可或缺的拯救生命的作用。相关研究结果于2012年7月17日在线发表在Circulation Research期刊上。
为此,论文共同第一作者D. Brian Foster博士和Alice S. Ho博士开展一系列实验来确定线粒体中的ROMK蛋白版本(mitochondrial version of ROMK, mitoROMK)是否确实是mitoKATP的一个关键性组分和是否拥有类似心脏保护性质。利用体外培养的源自心脏中的细胞,她证实ROMK确实定位到线粒体。接着,Ho博士通过监控线粒体对铊---它的大小和电荷与钾相类似---的摄取来进行mitoROMK活性检测。在mitoROMK缺失的细胞中,铊摄取量下降70%以上。
研究人员还利用一种已知能够阻断ROMK的蜂蜜毒素,即Tertiapin Q,来进行实验。论文共同作者Keith Garlid博士和他的研究团队采用一种经典的方法来检测mitoKATP,结果表明利用Tertiapin Q处理线粒体能够强烈地抑制钾离子依赖的线粒体肿胀(mitochondrial swelling)。利用铊检测,他们还发现这种蜂蜜毒素也抑制mitoKATP活性。
最后的一系列实验证实了mitoROMK在细胞中的保护性作用:水平增加的mitoROMK导致大鼠心脏细胞接触到高水平的叔丁基过氧化氢(tert-butyl hydroperoxide)之后存活能力增加和产生更加少的伤害。更者,mitoROMK缺失的心脏细胞接受相同处理之后,则产生更高的死亡率。
本文编译自20-year quest ends as scientists pin down structure of elusive, heart-protective protein
doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.112.266445
The Mitochondrial ROMK Channel is a Molecular Component of MitoKATP
D. Brian Foster1, Alice S. Ho1, Jasma Rucker1, Anders O. Garlid2, Ling Chen1, Agnieszka Sidor1, Keith D. Garlid2 and Brian O'Rourke
Rationale: Activation of the mitochondrial ATP-sensitive potassium channel (mitoKATP) has been implicated in the mechanism of cardiac ischemic preconditioning, yet its molecular composition is unknown. Objective: To use an unbiased proteomic analysis of the mitochondrial inner membrane to identify the mitochondrial K+ channel underlying mitoKATP. Methods and Results: Mass spectrometric analysis was used to identify KCNJ1(ROMK) in purified bovine heart mitochondrial inner membrane and confirmed that ROMK mRNA is present in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes and adult hearts. ROMK2, a short form of the channel, is shown to contain an N-terminal mitochondrial targeting signal and a full length epitope-tagged ROMK2 colocalizes with mitochondrial ATP synthase β. The high-affinity ROMK toxin, tertiapin Q, inhibits mitoKATP activity in isolated mitochondria and in digitonin-permeabilized cells. Moreover, shRNA-mediated knockdown of ROMK inhibits the ATP-sensitive, diazoxide activated, component of mitochondrial thallium uptake. Finally, the heart-derived cell line, H9C2, is protected from cell death stimuli by stable ROMK2 overexpression, while knockdown of the native ROMK exacerbates cell death. Conclusions: The findings support ROMK as the pore-forming subunit of the cytoprotective mitoKATP channel.