7月18日,GENE DEV杂志在线报道,在被子植物中科学家发现不同于以往认识的钝性末端端粒保护结构。
出乎意料的是,本研究发现,被子植物包含钝性末端和短的(1 - 3个核苷酸)包含G核苷的突出端粒结构,这些结构可稳定保留在有丝分裂后组织中。从而揭示了一种新的,保护染色体末端的机制。
Chromosome end protection by blunt-ended telomeres
Anita Kazda,Barbara Zellinger1,Max R?ssler1,Elisa Derboven1,Branislav Kusenda andKarel Riha
Single-stranded telomeric DNA protrusions are considered to be evolutionarily conserved structural elements essential for chromosome end protection. Their formation at telomeres replicated by the leading strand mechanism is thought to involve poorly understood post-replicative processing of blunt ends. Unexpectedly, we found that angiosperm plants contain blunt-ended and short (1- to 3-nucleotide) G-overhang-containing telomeres that are stably retained in post-mitotic tissues, revealing a novel mechanism of chromosome end protection. The integrity of blunt-ended telomeres depends on the Ku70/80 heterodimer but not on another telomere capping protein, STN1. Curiously, Ku-depleted telomeres are fully functional. They are resected by exonuclease 1, promoting intrachromatid recombination, which may facilitate formation of an alternative capping structure. These data challenge the view that telomeres require ssDNA protrusions for forming a functional capping structure and demonstrate flexibility in solutions to the chromosome end protection problem.