8月3日,国际权威学术期刊《细胞代谢》(Cell Metabolism)在线发表了中国科学院上海生命科学研究院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所宋保亮研究组与李伯良研究组的最新研究成果,揭示了泛素连接酶gp78调控脂质代谢的机理,为治疗肥胖等一系列代谢疾病提供了新的途径。
Ablation of gp78 in Liver Improves Hyperlipidemia and Insulin Resistance by Inhibiting SREBP to Decrease Lipid Biosynthesis
Tong-Fei Liu, Jing-Jie Tang, Pei-Shan Li, Yang Shen, Jia-Gui Li, Hong-Hua Miao, Bo-Liang Li, Bao-Liang Song
gp78 is a membrane-anchored ubiquitin ligase mediating the degradation of HMG-CoA reductase (HMGCR) and Insig-1. As a rate-limiting enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis, HMGCR undergoes rapid sterol-promoted degradation. In contrast, destruction of Insig-1 releases its inhibition on SREBP and stimulates the expression of lipogenic genes. Thus, gp78 has opposite effects on lipid biosynthesis. We here generated liver-specific gp78 knockout (L-gp78?/?) mice and showed that although the degradation of HMGCR was blunted, SREBP was suppressed due to the elevation of Insig-1/-2, and therefore the lipid biosynthesis was decreased. The L-gp78?/? mice were protected from diet-/age-induced obesity and glucose intolerance. The livers of L-gp78?/? mice produced more FGF21, which activated thermogenesis in brown adipocytes and enhanced energy expenditure. Together, the major function of gp78 in liver is regulating lipid biosynthesis through SREBP pathway. Ablation of gp78 decreases the lipid levels and increases FGF21, and is beneficial to patients with metabolic diseases.