2012年8月21日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --科学家们已破解一种分子密码,从而可能为破坏或校正缺陷性基因产物打开大门。这种密码通过一个被称作PPR(pentatricopeptide repeat)蛋白的蛋白超家族来决定着对RNA分子的识别。
根据一篇刊登在PLOS Genetics期刊上的论文,研究人员第一次描绘PPR蛋白如何通过一种容易理解的密码来识别它们的RNA靶标。这种机制是在蛋白/RNA界面上模拟沃森和克里克60年前描述的DNA链之间配对的可预见性和简单性。
论文通信作者Ian Small说,“很多PPR蛋白非常重要,但是我们并不知道它们发挥着什么作用。如今,我们破解了这种分子密码,因而我们能够发现(它们所起的作用)。”
论文共同作者Charlie Bond教授说,“这种发现是在植物中开展的,但是能够应用于多种物种,这是因为科学家们也在人类和动物中发现到PPR蛋白。”(生物谷Bioon.com)
本文编译自Molecular code cracked
doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1002910
A Combinatorial Amino Acid Code for RNA Recognition by Pentatricopeptide Repeat Proteins
Alice Barkan1*, Margarita Rojas1, Sota Fujii2¤, Aaron Yap3, Yee Seng Chong4, Charles S. Bond4, Ian Small
The Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory's (NCL) unique set-up has allowed our lab to handle and test a variety of nanoparticle platforms intended for the delivery of cancer therapeutics and/or imaging contrast agents. Over the last six years, the NCL has characterized more than 250 different nanomaterials from more than 75 different investigators. These submitted nanomaterials stem from a range of backgrounds and experiences, including government, academia and industry. This has given the NCL a unique and valuable opportunity to observe trends in nanoparticle safety and biocompatibility, as well as note some of the common mistakes and oversights of nanoformulation. While not exhaustive, this article aims to share some of the most common pitfalls observed by the NCL as they relate to nanoparticle synthesis, purification, characterization and analysis.