2012年8月19日,北京生命科学研究所张宏实验室在Autophagy杂志上在线发表题为“The C. elegans ATG101 homolog EPG-9 directly interacts with EPG-1/Atg13 and is essential for autophagy”的文章。该文章报道了线虫中的EPG-9与EPG-1形成复合体,在细胞自噬过程中起作用。
自噬是一个进化上保守的过程, 它包括将细胞质成分包裹在一个称为自噬体的双层膜结构,以及运送至溶酶体进行降解的过程。通过在酵母中进行遗传筛选,已有多个对于自噬小体形成起重要作用的自噬相关基因被发现。这篇文章中,我们分离得到了一个新的自噬基因,epg-9, 该基因的缺失导致自噬降解过程出现问题,从而在线虫的卵发育过程中累积大量蛋白聚集体。epg-9 的突变降低了在饥饿条件下线虫的存活率。epg-9 的突变体呈现 unc-51/Atg1 或epg-1/Atg13 功能缺失的典型特征。epg-9 编码的蛋白与哺乳动物的ATG101 具有高度同源性。EPG-9 直接与EPG-1/Atg13相互作用。我们的研究表明线虫中EPG-9与EPG-1形成复合体,在细胞自噬过程中起作用。
The C. elegans ATG101 homolog EPG-9 directly interacts with EPG-1/Atg13 and is essential for autophagy
Qianqian Liang, Peiguo Yang, E Tian, Jinghua Han and Hong Zhang
Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved catabolic process that involves the engulfment of cytoplasmic contents in a closed double-membrane structure, called the autophagosome, and their subsequent delivery to the vacuole/lysosomes for degradation. Genetic screens in Saccharomyces cerevisiae have identified more than 30 autophagy-related (Atg) genes that are essential for autophagosome formation. Here we isolated a novel autophagy gene, epg-9, whose loss of function causes defective autophagic degradation of a variety of protein aggregates during C. elegans embryogenesis. Mutations in epg-9 also reduce survival of animals under food depletion conditions. epg-9 mutants exhibit autophagy phenotypes characteristic of those associated with loss of function of unc-51/Atg1 and epg-1/Atg13. epg-9 encodes a protein with significant homology to mammalian ATG101. EPG-9 directly interacts with EPG-1/Atg13. Our study indicates that EPG-9 forms a complex with EPG-1 in the aggrephagy pathway in C. elegans.