此项突破性的科研成果,加深了科学界对骨骼肌干细胞中Pax7作用的了解,并对有关以骨骼肌干细胞治疗与肌肉相关疾病的研究,包括各类肌肉萎缩症等,有着重大的裨益;骨骼肌干细胞还可以用来加速肌肉损伤后的肌肉再生,以及增强老年人肌肉的力量和功能。此项崭新的发现已在干细胞研究领域的顶尖学术期刊《细胞—干细胞》(Cell Stem Cell)发表。
Pax3/7BP Is a Pax7- and Pax3-Binding Protein that Regulates the Proliferation of Muscle Precursor Cells by an Epigenetic Mechanism
Yarui Diao, Xing Guo, Yanfeng Li, Kun Sun, Leina Lu, Lei Jiang, Xinrong Fu, Han Zhu, Hao Sun, Huating Wang, Zhenguo Wu
In mouse skeletal muscles, Pax7 uniquely marks muscle satellite cells and plays some important yet unknown functions at the perinatal stage. To elucidate its in vivo functions, we initiated a yeast two-hybrid screening to look for Pax7-interacting proteins and identified a previously uncharacterized Pax7- and Pax3-binding protein (Pax3/7BP). Pax3/7BP is a ubiquitously expressed nuclear protein, enriched in Pax7+ muscle precursor cells (MPCs), and serves as an indispensable adaptor for Pax7 to recruit the histone 3 lysine 4 (H3K4) methyltransferase (HMT) complex by bridging Pax7 and Wdr5. Knockdown of Pax3/7BP abolished the Pax3/7-associated H3K4 HMT activity and inhibited the proliferation of Pax7+ MPCs from young mice both in culture and in vivo. Id3 and Cdc20 were direct target genes of Pax7 and Pax3/7BP involved in the proliferation of Pax7+ MPCs. Collectively, our work establishes Pax3/7BP as an essential adaptor linking Pax3/7 with the H3K4 HMT to regulate the proliferation of MPCs.