2012年8月24日,NIBS朱冰实验室在 Science 杂志发表题为Dense Chromatin Activates Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 to Regulate H3 Lysine 27 Methylation的研究论文。
PRC2是一个重要的Polycomb蛋白复合物,在体内负责催化组蛋白H3第27位赖氨酸的甲基化修饰。朱冰实验室与本所高绍荣实验室,美国南加州大学Xianghong Jasmine Zhou实验室,清华大学柴继杰实验室合作,在本研究中发现:组蛋白甲基化酶PRC2的酶活性受其底物染色质的紧密状态的调节。PRC2在紧密的染色质底物上有很高的催化活性,但在松散的染色质底物上则催化活性很低。这一敏感性是由于PRC2受到相邻核小体上的组蛋白肽段的变构激活。由于活跃转录的基因具有松散的染色质结构,而沉默状态的基因则具有紧密地染色质结构,本项研究提出了一个新的假说,即PRC2通过感知靶基因的转录状态来调节自己的活性,从而正确实现基因转录状态的维持。
袁文博士(NIBS与中国农业大学联合培养,朱冰实验室),吴彤博士(NIBS与中国农业大学联合培养,高绍荣实验室)以及博士研究生付航(NIBS与中国农业大学联合培养,朱冰实验室)为本文共同第一作者。朱冰博士和高绍荣博士为共同通讯作者。其他作者包括美国南加州大学Xianghong Jasmine Zhou博士,清华大学柴继杰博士,以及Xianghong Jasmine Zhou实验室Chao Dai,朱冰实验室吴慧博士,刘楠,李想,徐墨博士,张珠强博士,柴继杰实验室牛天慧博士和韩志富博士。本研究由科技部,北京市政府,霍华德-休斯医学院国际青年科学家项目和美国NSF Career Award资助。
Science杂志在同期为本文配发了由美国Rutgers大学Vincenzo Pirrotta教授撰写的评述文章How to Read the Chromatin Past。(生物谷Bioon.com)
doi: 10.1126/science.1225237
Dense Chromatin Activates Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 to Regulate H3 Lysine 27 Methylation
Wen Yuan, Tong Wu, Hang Fu, Chao Dai, Hui Wu, Nan Liu, Xiang Li, Mo Xu, Zhuqiang Zhang, Tianhui Niu, Zhifu Han, Jijie Chai, Xianghong Jasmine Zhou, Shaorong Gao, and Bing Zhu
Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2)–mediated histone H3 lysine 27 (H3K27) methylation is vital for Polycomb gene silencing, a classic epigenetic phenomenon that maintains transcriptional silencing throughout cell divisions. We report that PRC2 activity is regulated by the density of its substrate nucleosome arrays. Neighboring nucleosomes activate the PRC2 complex with a fragment of their H3 histones (Ala31 to Arg42). We also identified mutations on PRC2 subunit Su(z)12, which impair its binding and response to the activating peptide and its ability in establishing H3K27 trimethylation levels in vivo. In mouse embryonic stem cells, local chromatin compaction occurs before the formation of trimethylated H3K27 upon transcription cessation of the retinoic acid–regulated gene CYP26a1. We propose that PRC2 can sense the chromatin environment to exert its role in the maintenance of transcriptional states.