2012年10月11日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --研究人员首次详细地描述神经降压素(neurotensin)如何与它的受体相互作用,其中神经降压素是一种调节大脑中神经细胞活性的神经肽激素。他们的研究提示着这种神经肽激素利用一种新的结合机制来激活一类被称作G蛋白偶联受体(G-protein coupled receptor, GPCR)的受体。相关研究结果于近期刊登在Nature期刊上。
来自美国国家神经性疾病和中风研究所的研究人员Reinhard Grisshammer博士说,“了解这种肽如何结合到它的受体应当有助于科学家们设计出更好的药物。”
doi: 10.1038/nature11558
Structure of the agonist-bound neurotensin receptor
Jim F. White, Nicholas Noinaj, Yoko Shibata, James Love, Brian Kloss, Feng Xu, Jelena Gvozdenovic-Jeremic, Priyanka Shah, Joseph Shiloach, Christopher G. Tate & Reinhard Grisshammer
Neurotensin (NTS) is a 13-amino-acid peptide that functions as both a neurotransmitter and a hormone through the activation of the neurotensin receptor NTSR1, a G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR). In the brain, NTS modulates the activity of dopaminergic systems, opioid-independent analgesia, and the inhibition of food intake; in the gut, NTS regulates a range of digestive processes. Here we present the structure at 2.8 Å resolution of Rattus norvegicus NTSR1 in an active-like state, bound to NTS8–13, the carboxy-terminal portion of NTS responsible for agonist-induced activation of the receptor. The peptide agonist binds to NTSR1 in an extended conformation nearly perpendicular to the membrane plane, with the C terminus oriented towards the receptor core. Our findings provide, to our knowledge, the first insight into the binding mode of a peptide agonist to a GPCR and may support the development of non-peptide ligands that could be useful in the treatment of neurological disorders, cancer and obesity.