2012年11月21日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --在一项新研究中,美国加州大学圣地亚哥医学院研究人员描述了一种新的标记物,并利用新的模型在基因和分子水平来量化老化发生程度,新研究不只是提供一个更精确的方法来确定人的衰老程度,同时也或许提出了预见或治疗疾病的方法。该研究结果发表在11月21日的Molecular Cell杂志上。
Shiley眼科中心和基因组医学研究所主任 Kang Zhang医学博士说:人们以不同的速率衰老,这是众所周知的。有些人70多岁,但他们看上去只有50岁,而有些人却相反。
Genome-wide Methylation Profiles Reveal Quantitative Views of Human Aging Rates
Gregory Hannum, Justin Guinney, Ling Zhao, Li Zhang,et al.
The ability to measure human aging from molecular profiles has practical implications in many fields, including disease prevention and treatment, forensics, and extension of life. Although chronological age has been linked to changes in DNA methylation, the methylome has not yet been used to measure and compare human aging rates. Here, we build a quantitative model of aging using measurements at more than 450,000 CpG markers from the whole blood of 656 human individuals, aged 19 to 101. This model measures the rate at which an individual's methylome ages, which we show is impacted by gender and genetic variants. We also show that differences in aging rates help explain epigenetic drift and are reflected in the transcriptome. Moreover, we show how our aging model is upheld in other human tissues and reveals an advanced aging rate in tumor tissue. Our model highlights specific components of the aging process and provides a quantitative readout for studying the role of methylation in age-related disease