2012年12月03日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --胚胎发育是一种精心打造的复杂过程:任何事情只有在合适的时间合适的地点才能发挥作用。发育生物学家和细胞生物学家一直在揭示确定我们如何成为人类的分子线索。
美国斯坦福-伯纳姆医学研究所肌肉发育与再生项目主任和教授Mark Mercola博士解释道,“首先,可能也是发育中最为重要的一步是将细胞分配到三个胚层---外胚层、中胚层和内胚层,其中这三个胚层产生体内所有的组织和器官。”
在当前一项新的研究中,Mercola博士和包括博士后研究员Alexandre Colas博士和Wesley McKeithan在内的研究团队发现在发育期间,微RNA(microRNA, miRNA)在这种细胞与胚层分配过程中发挥着重要的作用。相关研究结果近期发表在Genes & Development期刊上。
doi: 10.1101/gad.200758.112
Whole-genome microRNA screening identifies let-7 and mir-18 as regulators of germ layer formation during early embryogenesis
Alexandre R. Colas1, Wesley L. McKeithan1, Thomas J. Cunningham1, Paul J. Bushway1, Lana X. Garmire2, Gregg Duester1, Shankar Subramaniam2 and Mark Mercola
Tight control over the segregation of endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm is essential for normal embryonic development of all species, yet how neighboring embryonic blastomeres can contribute to different germ layers has never been fully explained. We postulated that microRNAs, which fine-tune many biological processes, might modulate the response of embryonic blastomeres to growth factors and other signals that govern germ layer fate. A systematic screen of a whole-genome microRNA library revealed that the let-7 and miR-18 families increase mesoderm at the expense of endoderm in mouse embryonic stem cells. Both families are expressed in ectoderm and mesoderm, but not endoderm, as these tissues become distinct during mouse and frog embryogenesis. Blocking let-7 function in vivo dramatically affected cell fate, diverting presumptive mesoderm and ectoderm into endoderm. siRNA knockdown of computationally predicted targets followed by mutational analyses revealed that let-7 and miR-18 down-regulate Acvr1b and Smad2, respectively, to attenuate Nodal responsiveness and bias blastomeres to ectoderm and mesoderm fates. These findings suggest a crucial role for the let-7 and miR-18 families in germ layer specification and reveal a remarkable conservation of function from amphibians to mammals.