2012年12月7日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --在职业生涯的大部分时间里,研究者Susan Rosenberg都在研究细菌对于压力和突变所产生的令人不解的反应,在新一期的国际杂志Science上,她描述了在细菌压力细胞DNA双链断裂修复过程中引发突变所参与的基因网络。目前研究者Rosenberg知道有93个基因参与了突变的途径。
Identity and Function of a Large Gene Network Underlying Mutagenic Repair of DNA Breaks
Abu Amar M. Al Mamun1, Mary-Jane Lombardo1,*,†, Chandan Shee1,*, Andreas M. Lisewski1, Caleb Gonzalez1,‡, Dongxu Lin1,§, Ralf B. Nehring1, Claude Saint-Ruf2,||, Janet L. Gibson1, Ryan L. Frisch1, Olivier Lichtarge1,3, P. J. Hastings1, Susan M. Rosenberg1,3,4,5,¶
Mechanisms of DNA repair and mutagenesis are defined on the basis of relatively few proteins acting on DNA, yet the identities and functions of all proteins required are unknown. Here, we identify the network that underlies mutagenic repair of DNA breaks in stressed Escherichia coli and define functions for much of it. Using a comprehensive screen, we identified a network of ≥93 genes that function in mutation. Most operate upstream of activation of three required stress responses (RpoS, RpoE, and SOS, key network hubs), apparently sensing stress. The results reveal how a network integrates mutagenic repair into the biology of the cell, show specific pathways of environmental sensing, demonstrate the centrality of stress responses, and imply that these responses are attractive as potential drug targets for blocking the evolution of pathogens.