2012年12月14日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,来自密歇根州立大学的研究者发现了一种蛋白质,其在“死亡”之前或可以表现出巨大的“潜力”,相关研究刊登于国际杂志the Journal of Biological Chemistry上,研究揭示了视网膜细胞瘤肿瘤抑制蛋白的非传统型的生活方式,这或许帮助研究者开发新型的抵御癌症的疗法。
Ubiquitination of Retinoblastoma Family Protein 1 Potentiates Gene-specific Repression Function*
Nitin Raj‡,1, Liang Zhang§,1, Yiliang Wei¶, David N. Arnosti¶,2 andR. William Henry¶,3
The retinoblastoma (RB) tumor suppressor family functions as a regulatory node governing cell cycle progression, differentiation, and apoptosis. Post-translational modifications play a critical role in modulating RB activity, but additional levels of control, including protein turnover, are also essential for proper function. The Drosophila RB homolog Rbf1 is subjected to developmentally cued proteolysis mediated by an instability element (IE) present in the C terminus of this protein. Paradoxically, instability mediated by the IE is also linked to Rbf1 repression potency, suggesting that proteolytic machinery may also be directly involved in transcriptional repression. We show that the Rbf1 IE is an autonomous degron that stimulates both Rbf1 ubiquitination and repression potency. Importantly, Rbf1 IE function is promoter-specific, contributing to repression of cell cycle responsive genes but not to repression of cell signaling genes. The multifunctional IE domain thus provides Rbf1 flexibility for discrimination between target genes embedded in divergent cellular processes.