常山为虎耳草科植物常山的根,是一种传统中药,千年以来一直被人们用于治疗疟疾相关的发热。现在Scripps研究所TSRI的博后周辉皓(Huihao Zhou音译)获得了常山活性成分的高分辨率结构,揭开了常山治疗疟疾的神秘机制。
氨酰化是机体合成蛋白的一种关键生物学过程,研究显示常山酮就像个扳手,可以钳住负责氨酰化的复合物。常山也称为Dichroa febrifuga Lour,研究人指出这种传统中药治疗疟疾发热的作用,就是因为常山酮等化合物干涉了疟原虫的蛋白合成过程,从而在感染者的血液中杀死疟原虫。
“约两千多年前常山就被用来治疗疟疾发热,而我们的研究首次揭示了这种药物的作用机制,”领导这项研究的 TSRI教授Paul Schimmel说。
基因在表达时,先转录为RNA,然后再翻译为蛋白质,而氨酰化是蛋白合成的关键步骤。在蛋白的翻译过程中,一系列小分子tRNA负责将氨基酸运送到合成中的蛋白链上,就像穿珍珠一样。不过在此之前,tRNA首先要抓牢氨基酸,氨酰化就是氨基酸附着在tRNA上的生物学过程,其中氨酰tRNA 合成酶负责给tRNA添加氨基酸。Schimmel及其同事对这一过程的分子机制进行了多年研究,这项成果为科学家们带来了从早期进化到新药物研发等多方面的启示。
氨酰化的基本过程包括三个分子:tRNA、氨基酸和氨酰tRNA 合成酶。此外还有ATP作为燃料为整个过程提供能源。
ATP-directed capture of bioactive herbal-based medicine on human tRNA synthetase
Huihao Zhou, Litao Sun, Xiang-Lei Yang & Paul Schimmel
Febrifugine is the active component of the Chinese herb Chang Shan (Dichroa febrifuga Lour.)1, 2, which has been used for treating malaria-induced fever for about 2,000 years. Halofuginone (HF), the halogenated derivative of febrifugine, has been tested in clinical trials for potential therapeutic applications in cancer and fibrotic disease3, 4, 5, 6. Recently, HF was reported to inhibit TH17 cell differentiation by activating the amino acid response pathway7, through inhibiting human prolyl-transfer RNA synthetase (ProRS) to cause intracellular accumulation of uncharged tRNA8, 9. Curiously, inhibition requires the presence of unhydrolysed ATP. Here we report an unusual 2.0 Å structure showing that ATP directly locks onto and orients two parts of HF onto human ProRS, so that one part of HF mimics bound proline and the other mimics the 3′ end of bound tRNA. Thus, HF is a new type of ATP-dependent inhibitor that simultaneously occupies two different substrate binding sites on ProRS. Moreover, our structure indicates a possible similar mechanism of action for febrifugine in malaria treatment. Finally, the elucidation here of a two-site modular targeting activity of HF raises the possibility that substrate-directed capture of similar inhibitors might be a general mechanism that could be applied to other synthetases.