领导这一研究的是中国科学院遗传发育所基因组生物学研究中心主任曹晓风(Xiaofeng Cao)。其2008年曾获得美国杜邦青年科学家奖,2011年获得“中国青年女科学奖”。研究小组的主要科研方向为DNA及组蛋白甲基化和小分子RNA调控机理。
转座子(Transposable elements)广泛存在于植物基因组中,是核DNA的重要组成部分。大约40%的水稻基因组是由转座子组成,其中许多都是反转录转座子,包括14%的LTR和1%的非LTR反转录转座子。尽管它们分布广泛且非常丰富,然而,却只有极少数的转座子被发现发生了转座,表明转座子活性有可能受到了宿主基因组的严密调控,将与活性转座相关的潜在诱变效应降到最低。
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1217020110
Control of transposon activity by a histone H3K4 demethylase in rice
Xiekui Cuia,b,1, Ping Jinc,d,1, Xia Cuia, Lianfeng Gua, Zhike Lua, Yongming Xuea,b, Liya Weia,b, Jianfei Qia, Xianwei Songa, Ming Luoe, Gynheung Anc, and Xiaofeng Caoa,2
Transposable elements (TEs) are ubiquitously present in plant genomes and often account for significant fractions of the nuclear DNA. For example, roughly 40% of the rice genome consists of TEs, many of which are retrotransposons, including 14% LTR- and ∼1% non-LTR retrotransposons. Despite their wide distribution and abundance, very few TEs have been found to be transpositional, indicating that TE activities may be tightly controlled by the host genome to minimize the potentially mutagenic effects associated with active transposition. Consistent with this notion, a growing body of evidence suggests that epigenetic silencing pathways such as DNA methylation, RNA interference, and H3K9me2 function collectively to repress TE activity at the transcriptional and posttranscriptional levels. It is not yet clear, however, whether the removal of histone modifications associated with active transcription is also involved in TE silencing. Here, we show that the rice protein JMJ703 is an active H3K4-specific demethylase required for TEs silencing. Impaired JMJ703 activity led to elevated levels of H3K4me3, the misregulation of numerous endogenous genes, and the transpositional reactivation of two families of non-LTR retrotransposons. Interestingly, loss of JMJ703 did not affect TEs (such as Tos17) previously found to be silenced by other epigenetic pathways. These results indicate that the removal of active histone modifications is involved in TE silencing and that different subsets of TEs may be regulated by distinct epigenetic pathways.