来自华东师范大学,日本RIKEN过敏与免疫学研究中心的研究人员发现了一种特殊的多功能蛋白:UHRF1在表观遗传中的重要作用:能通过靶向DNA甲基转移酶1,维持DNA甲基化水平,参与H3K9甲基化和DNA甲基化之间的通信。相关成果公布在《自然—通讯》(Nature Communications)杂志上。
翁杰敏教授指出,UHRF1是目前哺乳动物细胞中所知的唯一一个,既能特异结合甲基化H3和甲基化CpG的蛋白。其研究组围绕这种蛋白展开了相关研究,发现通过结合K9甲基化或甲基化DNA, UHRF1能有效定位到异质染色体上,并在异质染色体的形成与维持中起重要作用。
在此基础上,这篇文章中研究人员又进行了深入实验,他们证明了UHRF1突变缺陷型(能结合半甲基化CpG或H3K9me2/3,但不能同时与这两者结合)能与臂间异染色质( pericentric heterochromatin)相互作用,召集Dnmt1,弥补小鼠Uhrf1缺陷细胞中部分DNA甲基化缺陷。
此外,研究人员还发现,UHRF1结合诱导的甲基化胞嘧啶翻转,对于其后的DNMT1(DNA甲基转移酶)的甲基化作用并不是必需的。由此研究人员指出,这项研究证明了UHRF1能通过与H3K9me2/3或半甲基化的CpG结合,靶向DNMT1,用以维持DNA甲基化(DNA maintenance methylation),而且这项研究也表明UHRF1在DNA甲基化维持水平上,参与了H3K9甲基化和DNA甲基化之间的通信。
翁杰敏教授研究组还曾再两个组蛋白去甲基化酶(AOF1 和PHF8)的研究工作上取得了突破性进展,AOF1是Amine Oxidase家族的一个成员,该家族成员LSD1是最早发现的组蛋白去甲基化酶。LSD1的发现打破了多年来组蛋白甲基化修饰的非可逆性的思想。
UHRF1 targets DNMT1 for DNA methylation through cooperative binding of hemi-methylated DNA and methylated H3K9
Xiaoli Liu, Qinqin Gao, Pishun Li, Qian Zhao, Jiqin Zhang, Jiwen Li, Haruhiko Koseki.
Epigenetic inheritance of DNA methylation in mammals requires a multifunctional protein UHRF1, which is believed to recruit DNMT1 to DNA replication forks through a unique hemi-methylated CpG-binding activity. Here we demonstrate that the UHRF1 mutants deficient in binding either hemi-methylated CpG or H3K9me2/3, but not both, are able to associate with pericentric heterochromatin, recruit Dnmt1 and partially rescue DNA methylation defects in mouse Uhrf1 null ES cells. Furthermore, we present evidence that the flip out of the methylated cytosine induced by UHRF1 binding is unlikely essential for subsequent DNA methylation by DNMT1. Together, our study demonstrates that UHRF1 can target DNMT1 for DNA maintenance methylation through binding either H3K9me2/3 or hemi-methylated CpG, and that the presence of both binding activities ensures high fidelity DNA maintenance methylation. In addition, our study indicates that UHRF1 mediates cross-talk between H3K9 methylation and DNA methylation at the level of DNA methylation maintenance