文章的通讯作者分别是南京大学医学院模式动物研究所徐璎教授,以及加州大学旧金山分校的Louis J. Ptacek院士,第一作者为徐璎教授实验室时广森和邢丽娟。徐璎教授研究组主要从事生物节律相关研究,围绕寻找新的生物钟基因及研究生物钟产生的机制,生物钟基因的进化与机体功能复杂性之间的关系展开研究。
研究证明哺乳动物生物钟是由环环相扣的反馈环路组成的,其中一种称为“Cryptochrome(隐花色素)”的元件是核心负反馈环路中关键成分,而另外一种核受体家族成员:Rev-Erbα则是互锁环路(interlocking loop)中必需组成成分。
此外,研究还显示,FBXL3能通过令Rev-Erb:组蛋白去乙酰化酶3阻遏子复合物(histone deacetylase 3 corepressor complex)失活,来调控Rev-Erb/视黄酸受体相关孤儿受体结合元件(RRE)介导的转录。研究人员通过分析Fbxl3和Cryptochrome双突变小鼠,还发现FBXL3也能调控E-box驱动基因表达的表达量。
Dual roles of FBXL3 in the mammalian circadian feedback loops are important for period determination and robustness of the clock
David B F Johnson, Jianfeng Xu,Zhouxin Shen, Jeffrey K Takimoto, Matthew D Schultz
The mammalian circadian clock is composed of interlocking feedback loops. Cryptochrome is a central component in the core negative feedback loop, whereas Rev-Erbα, a member of the nuclear receptor family, is an essential component of the interlocking loop. To understand the roles of different clock genes, we conducted a genetic interaction screen by generating single- and double-mutant mice. We found that the deletion of Rev-erbα in F-box/leucine rich-repeat protein (Fbxl3)-deficient mice rescued its long-circadian period phenotype, and our results further revealed that FBXL3 regulates Rev-Erb/retinoic acid receptor-related orphan receptor-binding element (RRE)-mediated transcription by inactivating the Rev-Erbα:histone deacetylase 3 corepressor complex. By analyzing the Fbxl3 and Cryptochrome 1 double-mutant mice, we found that FBXL3 also regulates the amplitudes of E-box–driven gene expression. These two separate roles of FBXL3 in circadian feedback loops provide a mechanism that contributes to the period determination and robustness of the clock.