现在,Takahiro Ohde及其同事证明,2个分别出现在黄粉虫甲虫 Tenebrio molitor 第一胸节和腹节上的特别翅状垫可通过减少该昆虫中 Hox 基因的表达而被诱导成为翅状附器。相关论文发表在3月14日的Science上。
DOI: 10.1126/science.1234219
Insect Morphological Diversification Through the Modification of Wing Serial Homologs
Takahiro Ohde, Toshinobu Yaginuma, Teruyuki Niimi.
Fossil insects living some 350 million years ago show winglike pads on all thoracic and abdominal segments, which suggests their serial homology. It remains unclear whether winglike structures in nonwinged segments have been lost or modified through evolution. Here, we identified a ventral/lateral part of the body wall on the first thoracic segment, the hypomeron, and pupal dorsolateral denticular outgrowths as wing serial homologs in the mealworm beetle Tenebrio molitor. Both domains transform into winglike structures under Hox RNA interference conditions. Gene expression and functional analyses revealed central roles for the key wing selector genes, vestigial and scalloped, in the hypomeron and the denticular outgrowth formation. We propose that modification, rather than loss, of dorsal appendages has provided an additional diversifying mechanism of insect body plan.