中科院上海生科院生化与细胞所徐国良实验室和美国Beckman研究所史艳红实验室以及新加坡临床科学研究所丁春明实验室合作研究发现,Tet1基因敲除虽然不影响小鼠的生长发育,但对成年小鼠海马区成体神经前体细胞的增殖具有调控作用。Tet1蛋白缺失后,成年小鼠神经前体细胞增殖能力降低,成体神经发生过程受损,并伴随有空间学习和短期记忆能力的下降。同时,Tet1的敲除致使与神经前体细胞增殖及成体神经发生相关的基因发生异常的高甲基化,从而使其表达水平下调,在一定程度上导致了小鼠成体神经发生过程的缺陷。该项研究揭示:Tet酶介导的DNA氧化修饰对小鼠成体神经细胞的增殖及发生起到精细的调控作用。该研究成果于6月14日在国际知名学术期刊《Cell Stem Cell》杂志在线发表。
Cell Stem Cell DOI:10.1016/j.stem.2013.05.006
Tet1 Regulates Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Cognition
Run-Rui Zhang, Qing-Yan Cui, Kiyohito Murai, Yen Ching Lim, Zachary D. Smith, Shengnan Jin, Peng Ye, Luis Rosa, Yew Kok Lee, Hai-Ping Wu et al.
DNA hydroxylation catalyzed by Tet dioxygenases occurs abundantly in embryonic stem cells and neurons in mammals. However, its biological function in vivo is largely unknown. Here, we demonstrate that Tet1 plays an important role in regulating neural progenitor cell proliferation in adult mouse brain. Mice lacking Tet1 exhibit impaired hippocampal neurogenesis accompanied by poor learning and memory. In adult neural progenitor cells deficient in Tet1, a cohort of genes involved in progenitor proliferation were hypermethylated and downregulated. Our results indicate that Tet1 is positively involved in the epigenetic regulation of neural progenitor cell proliferation in the adult brain.