7月14日, 英国《自然》杂志(Nature)在线发表了中国科学院上海药物研究所徐华强课题组与美国Van Andel研究所Karsten Melcher教授,新加坡国立大学Eu-Liang Yong教授合作的最新研究成果Structural basis for molecular recognition of folic acid by folate receptors。该项研究成功解决了叶酸受体极难表达、纯化和结晶这一技术瓶颈,并成功解析了叶酸/叶酸受体FRα复合物晶体结构,系统阐述了叶酸与叶酸受体FRα的具体结合口袋及精确的相互作用位点。该项突破性的发现将为今后如何高效获得靶向的抗癌药物及其它相关药物提供了精确模板和设计思路,具有重要的学术意义及应用价值。
该项研究工作是在国家“千人计划”、中国科学院受体结构与功能重点实验室主任徐华强研究员领导下,由中国科学院上海药物研究所、美国Van Andel研究所、新加坡国立大学、美国西北大学四家单位的研究人员共同参与完成。其中,来自中国科学院上海药物研究所徐华强课题组的易伟博士后作为主要作者之一参与了此项研究工作。
本研究工作得到中组部“千人计划”、中科院、国家自然科学基金委、科技部、新药重大专项、美国Van Andel研究所及中国安利等支持。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Nature doi:10.1038/nature12327
Structural basis for molecular recognition of folic acid by folate receptors
Chen Chen, Jiyuan Ke, X. Edward Zhou, Wei Yi, Joseph S. Brunzelle, Jun Li, Eu-Leong Yong, H. Eric Xu & Karsten Melcher
Folate receptors (FRα, FRβ and FRγ) are cysteine-rich cell-surface glycoproteins that bind folate with high affinity to mediate cellular uptake of folate. Although expressed at very low levels in most tissues, folate receptors, especially FRα, are expressed at high levels in numerous cancers to meet the folate demand of rapidly dividing cells under low folate conditions1, 2, 3. The folate dependency of many tumours has been therapeutically and diagnostically exploited by administration of anti-FRα antibodies, high-affinity antifolates4, 5, folate-based imaging agents and folate-conjugated drugs and toxins6, 7, 8. To understand how folate binds its receptors, we determined the crystal structure of human FRα in complex with folic acid at 2.8 Å resolution. FRα has a globular structure stabilized by eight disulphide bonds and contains a deep open folate-binding pocket comprised of residues that are conserved in all receptor subtypes. The folate pteroate moiety is buried inside the receptor, whereas its glutamate moiety is solvent-exposed and sticks out of the pocket entrance, allowing it to be conjugated to drugs without adversely affecting FRα binding. The extensive interactions between the receptor and ligand readily explain the high folate-binding affinity of folate receptors and provide a template for designing more specific drugs targeting the folate receptor system.