日前,来自布朗大学阿尔珀特医学院与罗德岛医院(Rhode Island )的研究人员发现,小鼠体内一些特殊软骨细胞缺失 Shp-2 酶,可导致多发性良性软骨肿瘤形成。这一小鼠模型重演了人类一种罕见的肿瘤综合征:混合性软骨瘤病(metachondromatosis)。相关研究论文刊登在了近期出版的《自然》(Nature)杂志上。
Shp2 酶可在细胞中调控其他蛋白质和信号通路的活性。缺失 Shp2 的小鼠会形成两种类型的肿瘤:内生软骨瘤(enchondromas)和骨软骨瘤(osteochondroma),此外小鼠还出现了关节畸形。
一直以来人们都猜测软骨生长板(Growth Plate)损伤是骨软骨瘤的形成原因。骨软骨瘤看起来就像是软骨生长板按错误的方向脱出生长而形成。新研究表明,骨软骨瘤的一个病因是,由于靠近生长板的一小群细胞中的酶出现分子异常,导致了骨骼生长出大的肿瘤。这些肿瘤在儿童非常常见。
Nature doi:10.1038/nature12396
Ptpn11 deletion in a novel progenitor causes metachondromatosis by inducing hedgehog signalling
Wentian Yang,Jianguo Wang,Douglas C. Moore,Haipei Liang,Mark Dooner,Qian Wu, Richard Terek,Qian Chen,Michael G. Ehrlich,Peter J. Quesenberry & Benjamin G. Neel
The tyrosine phosphatase SHP2, encoded by PTPN11, is required for the survival, proliferation and differentiation of various cell types. Germline activating mutations in PTPN11 cause Noonan syndrome, whereas somatic PTPN11 mutations cause childhood myeloproliferative disease and contribute to some solid tumours. Recently, heterozygous inactivating mutations in PTPN11 were found in metachondromatosis, a rare inherited disorder featuring multiple exostoses, enchondromas, joint destruction and bony deformities. The detailed pathogenesis of this disorder has remained unclear. Here we use a conditional knockout (floxed) Ptpn11 allele (Ptpn11fl) and Cre recombinase transgenic mice to delete Ptpn11 specifically in monocytes, macrophages and osteoclasts (lysozyme M-Cre; LysMCre) or in cathepsin K (Ctsk)-expressing cells, previously thought to be osteoclasts. LysMCre;Ptpn11fl/fl mice had mild osteopetrosis. Notably, however, CtskCre;Ptpn11fl/fl mice developed features very similar to metachondromatosis. Lineage tracing revealed a novel population of CtskCre-expressing cells in the perichondrial groove of Ranvier that display markers and functional properties consistent with mesenchymal progenitors. Chondroid neoplasms arise from these cells and show decreased extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway activation, increased Indian hedgehog (Ihh) and parathyroid hormone-related protein (Pthrp, also known as Pthlh) expression and excessive proliferation. Shp2-deficient chondroprogenitors had decreased fibroblast growth factor-evoked ERK activation and enhanced Ihh and Pthrp expression, whereas fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) or mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK) inhibitor treatment of chondroid cells increased Ihh and Pthrp expression. Importantly, smoothened inhibitor treatment ameliorated metachondromatosis features in CtskCre;Ptpn11fl/fl mice. Thus, in contrast to its pro-oncogenic role in haematopoietic and epithelial cells, Ptpn11 is a tumour suppressor in cartilage, acting through a FGFR/MEK/ERK-dependent pathway in a novel progenitor cell population to prevent excessive Ihh production.