在发表于7月21日《自然免疫学》(Nature Immunology)杂志上的一项新研究中,由莫纳什大学医学研究所(MIMR)的Paul Hertzog教授,以及生物医学科学学院的Jamie Rossjohn教授领导的一个研究人员小组,第一次确定了β干扰素((IFNβ)蛋白结合细胞并激活免疫反应的机制特征。
论文的主要作者、先天免疫和传染病中心的Nicole de Weerd博士说,该研究为理性设计药物提供了一些新的途径。
Rossjohn教授和来自生物化学和分子生物学系的Julian Vivian密切合作,在分子水平上确定了IFNβ与IFNAR1的相互作用。
“我们发现当IFNβ与细胞结合时,会传送IFNAR1–IFN-β这一不同寻常的信号,其似乎与干扰素治疗的某些毒副作用,例如败血症有关。这为更具选择性的激活干扰素作用提供了一条有前景的途径,”de Weerd说。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Nature Immunology doi:10.1038/ni.2667
Structural basis of a unique interferon-β signaling axis mediated via the receptor IFNAR1
Nicole A de Weerd, Julian P Vivian, Thao K Nguyen, Niamh E Mangan, Jodee A Gould, Susie-Jane Braniff, Leyla Zaker-Tabrizi, Ka Yee Fung, Samuel C Forster,Travis Beddoe,Hugh H Reid,Jamie Rossjohn & Paul J Hertzog
Type I interferons are important in regulating immune responses to pathogens and tumors. All interferons are considered to signal via the heterodimeric IFNAR1-IFNAR2 complex, yet some subtypes such as interferon-β (IFN-β) can exhibit distinct functional properties, although the molecular basis of this is unclear. Here we demonstrate IFN-β can uniquely and specifically ligate to IFNAR1 in an IFNAR2-independent manner, and we provide the structural basis of the IFNAR1–IFN-β interaction. The IFNAR1–IFN-β complex transduced signals that modulated expression of a distinct set of genes independently of Jak-STAT pathways. Lipopolysaccharide-induced sepsis was ameliorated in Ifnar1-/- mice but not Ifnar2-/- mice, suggesting that IFNAR1–IFN-β signaling is pathologically relevant. Thus, we provide a molecular basis for understanding specific functions of IFN-β.