KCNQ2是癫痫相关的一类电压门控钾离子通道。上海药物所蒋华良课题组和神经药理学国际科学家工作站研究人员通过综合运用动力学模拟、分子对接、定点突变和电生理测试等方法,发现了一个位于通道门控电荷通路(gating charge pathway)中的激动剂结合口袋。针对该口袋,开展了虚拟筛选和药物设计,从20万个化合物中挑选出25个候选分子。经电生理测试确认9个KCNQ2新激动剂,其中两个在两类动物模型中表现出优异的抗癫痫活性。该研究为发现离子通道调制剂结合口袋提供了成功的案例,并且首次实现了“基于结构的电压门控钾离子通道激动剂发现”,为离子通道药物研究领域的一个重要进展。
该研究还推动了电压门控通道结构功能关系研究,更新了人们对电压敏感区结构和门控机制的认识。基于Kv1.2、Kv1.2-2.1和Shaker等电压门控钾离子通道的研究,传统观点认为门控电荷通路相对狭窄,在中间部位由一个保守的苯丙氨酸及周围残基形成所谓“闭塞位点”(occluded site),将门控电荷通路分隔成内外两个部分,是“集中电场”和“门控电荷传递中心”等电压门控离子通道电压感受理论的结构基础。该项研究显示,KCNQ2通道的相应位置则存在一个空腔,可容纳结构多样性的小分子配体,且通过突变实验确认保守性苯丙氨酸在不同通道中功能存在明显差异,因而支持门控电荷通路的结构存在多样性。
6月25日,Cell Research在线发表了该研究结果。论文共同第一作者为上海药物所四年级博士研究生李平和陈筑熙,是在蒋华良研究员、高召兵副研究员和阳怀宇副研究员指导下完成。本研究工作得到科技部、国家自然科学基金委、上海市科委和NIH等项目的支持。(生物谷
The gating charge pathway of an epilepsy-associated potassium channel accommodates chemical ligands
Ping Li1,*, Zhuxi Chen2,*, Haiyan Xu1, Haifeng Sun2, Hao Li2, Hong Liu2, Huaiyu Yang2, Zhaobing Gao1, Hualiang Jiang2 and Min Li1,3
Voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channels derive their voltage sensitivity from movement of gating charges in voltage-sensor domains (VSDs). The gating charges translocate through a physical pathway in the VSD to open or close the channel. Previous studies showed that the gating charge pathways of Shaker and Kv1.2-2.1 chimeric channels are occluded, forming the structural basis for the focused electric field and gating charge transfer center. Here, we show that the gating charge pathway of the voltage-gated KCNQ2 potassium channel, activity reduction of which causes epilepsy, can accommodate various small molecule ligands. Combining mutagenesis, molecular simulation and electrophysiological recording, a binding model for the probe activator, ztz240, in the gating charge pathway was defined. This information was used to establish a docking-based virtual screening assay targeting the defined ligand-binding pocket. Nine activators with five new chemotypes were identified, and in vivo experiments showed that three ligands binding to the gating charge pathway exhibit significant anti-epilepsy activity. Identification of various novel activators by virtual screening targeting the pocket supports the presence of a ligand-binding site in the gating charge pathway. The capability of the gating charge pathway to accommodate small molecule ligands offers new insights into the gating charge pathway of the therapeutically relevant KCNQ2 channel.