2013年6月25日,北京生命科学研究董梦秋实验室在《eLIFE》杂志发表题为“CAMKII and Calcineurin regulate the lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans through the FOXO transcription factor DAF-16”的文章。
本文研究发现,除了经典的胰岛素信号传导通路,钙离子/钙调素依赖性蛋白激酶II(CAMKII)和蛋白磷酸酶Calcineurin也参与调控秀丽线虫的寿命,并且也通过FOXO家族转录因子DAF-16起作用。虽然CAMKII和胰岛素信号通路中的AKT-1、AKT-2激酶都直接磷酸化DAF-16,但它们的磷酸化位点不同、引起的效应截然相反。AKT-1和AKT-2介导的磷酸化抑制DAF-16,使其滞留在细胞质中,不能进入细胞核启动“延年益寿”的基因表达程序。CAMKII磷酸化DAF-16第286位的丝氨酸 (S286),促进DAF-16在细胞核内的定位、增强DAF-16的转录活性。Calcineurin则与CAMKII相拮抗,特异性去除S286的磷酸化修饰。所以,CAMKII持续激活的突变体线虫、胰岛素信号通路部分失活(导致AKT激酶活性降低)的突变体和Calcineurin缺失的突变体都比野生型长寿。此外,CAMKII介导了包括饥饿、热胁迫以及氧化胁迫在内的一系列环境因素对DAF-16的调控。CAMKII和Calcineurin通过响应外部信号来调整DAF-16转录活性的方式是对胰岛素信号通路内分泌调节机制的补充。两者相互协调,以胰岛素信号为主,CAMKII和Calcineurin为辅,通过DAF-16整合信号,共同调节线虫的寿命。
CAMKII and Calcineurin regulate the lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans through the FOXO transcription factor DAF-16
Tao L, Xie Q, Ding YH, Li ST, Peng S, Zhang YP, Tan D, Yuan Z, Dong MQ.
The insulin-like signaling pathway maintains a relatively short wild-type lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans by phosphorylating and inactivating DAF-16, the ortholog of the FOXO transcription factors of mammalian cells. DAF-16 is phosphorylated by the AKT kinases, preventing its nuclear translocation. Calcineurin (PP2B phosphatase) also limits the lifespan of C. elegans, but the mechanism through which it does so is unknown. Herein, we show that TAX-6•CNB-1 and UNC-43, the C. elegans Calcineurin and Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent kinase type II (CAMKII) orthologs, respectively, also regulate lifespan through DAF-16. Moreover, UNC-43 regulates DAF-16 in response to various stress conditions, including starvation, heat or oxidative stress, and cooperatively contributes to lifespan regulation by insulin signaling. However, unlike insulin signaling, UNC-43 phosphorylates and activates DAF-16, thus promoting its nuclear localization. The phosphorylation of DAF-16 at S286 by UNC-43 is removed by TAX-6•CNB-1, leading to DAF-16 inactivation. Mammalian FOXO3 is also regulated by CAMKIIA and Calcineurin.