进行该项研究的是美国加州大学洛杉矶分校的化学教授Omar M. Yaghi及其同事。Yaghi说,“选择性消除二氧化碳的技术难题已经被攻克,新发现的结构经过精确‘裁剪’,能够捕获并保存二氧化碳,并且没有逃逸。我们相信这会是一个转折点,在二氧化碳进入大气前就将其捕获。”
Yaghi小组设计出的新材料属于“沸石咪唑酯骨架结构材料”(zeolitic imidazolate frameworks,简称ZIFs),这是一类具有可调整孔洞大小及化学性质的金属-有机配位子结构(metal organic frameworks,简称MOFs)。ZIFs的表面积很大,而且在高温下不会分解,在沸水和有机溶剂中浸泡一周也仍然稳定。
实际上,Yaghi等人制造ZIF材料就是把传统沸石中的铝和硅元素用锌离子和钴离子等取代,而桥氧则被咪唑酯取代。不过,由于Yaghi实验室的Rahul Banerjee和Anh Phan令该合成过程自动化,他们能够在一小时内实现200个化学反应,大大高于一般情况下每天进行几个反应的速度。
Yaghi表示,当前发电厂收集二氧化碳需要使用毒性材料,而且这一过程的能源消耗约为整个发电厂输出的20%—30%。相比之下,ZIFs能够从多种气体中将二氧化碳分离出来,而且其存储能力超出当前多孔碳材料的5倍。Banerjee说,“每公升ZIF能够捕获和存储83公升的二氧化碳。”(科学网 任霄鹏/编译)
(《科学》(Science),Vol. 319. no. 5865, pp. 939 - 943,Rahul Banerjee, Anh Phan, Omar M. Yaghi)
Science 15 February 2008:
Vol. 319. no. 5865, pp. 939 - 943
DOI: 10.1126/science.1152516
High-Throughput Synthesis of Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks and Application to CO2 Capture
Rahul Banerjee,1* Anh Phan,1 Bo Wang,1 Carolyn Knobler,1 Hiroyasu Furukawa,1 Michael O'Keeffe,2 Omar M. Yaghi1*
A high-throughput protocol was developed for the synthesis of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs). Twenty-five different ZIF crystals were synthesized from only 9600 microreactions of either zinc(II)/cobalt(II) and imidazolate/imidazolate-type linkers. All of the ZIF structures have tetrahedral frameworks: 10 of which have two different links (heterolinks), 16 of which are previously unobserved compositions and structures, and 5 of which have topologies as yet unobserved in zeolites. Members of a selection of these ZIFs (termed ZIF-68, ZIF-69, and ZIF-70) have high thermal stability (up to 390°C) and chemical stability in refluxing organic and aqueous media. Their frameworks have high porosity (with surface areas up to 1970 square meters per gram), and they exhibit unusual selectivity for CO2 capture from CO2/CO mixtures and extraordinary capacity for storing CO2: 1 liter of ZIF-69 can hold 83 liters of CO2 at 273 kelvin under ambient pressure.
1 Center for Reticular Chemistry at California NanoSystems Institute, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California at Los Angeles, 607 East Charles E. Young Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA.
2 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: rahul@chem.ucla.edu (R.B.); yaghi@chem.ucla.edu (O.M.Y.)
Omar M. Yaghi实验室主页