美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(UniversityofWisconsin-Madison)化学与生物工程学教授ManosMavrikakis和马里兰大学(UniversityofMaryland)化学与生物化学教授Bryan Eichhorn近日在《自然—材料学》网络版上发表的论文中描述了一种新型催化剂。它由被一层或两层铂原子包围的钌纳米颗粒组成,是一种高效的室温催化剂,可显著改善关键的氢纯化反应,从而获取更多的氢用于燃料电池的供能。目前,全世界大多数氢的供应来自于化石燃料,这个过程称作重整。科学家相信,燃料电池不久就能通过由可再生能源得到的氢来进行发电。这个过程的重要一步称为PROX反应,它是氢进入燃料电池前,利用催化剂去除其中的CO。CO的存在是燃料电池实际应用的一个主要障碍,因为它毒化了燃料电池反应中昂贵的铂催化剂。
Nature Materials 7, 333 - 338 (2008)
Published online: 16 March 2008 | doi:10.1038/nmat2156
Subject Categories: Catalytic materials | Materials for energy | Nanoscale materials
Ru–Pt core–shell nanoparticles for preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide in hydrogen
Selim Alayoglu1, Anand U. Nilekar2, Manos Mavrikakis2 & Bryan Eichhorn1
Most of the world's hydrogen supply is currently obtained by reforming hydrocarbons. 'Reformate' hydrogen contains significant quantities of CO that poison current hydrogen fuel-cell devices. Catalysts are needed to remove CO from hydrogen through selective oxidation. Here, we report first-principles-guided synthesis of a nanoparticle catalyst comprising a Ru core covered with an approximately 1–2-monolayer-thick shell of Pt atoms. The distinct catalytic properties of these well-characterized core–shell nanoparticles were demonstrated for preferential CO oxidation in hydrogen feeds and subsequent hydrogen light-off. For H2 streams containing 1,000 p.p.m. CO, H2 light-off is complete by 30 °C, which is significantly better than for traditional PtRu nano-alloys (85 °C), monometallic mixtures of nanoparticles (93 °C) and pure Pt particles (170 °C). Density functional theory studies suggest that the enhanced catalytic activity for the core–shell nanoparticle originates from a combination of an increased availability of CO-free Pt surface sites on the Ru@Pt nanoparticles and a hydrogen-mediated low-temperature CO oxidation process that is clearly distinct from the traditional bifunctional CO oxidation mechanism.