作者N.V. Fedoroff呼吁在考虑已有证据和经验的基础上对现有的管理框架进行认真的再评估。这将使管理更加简单并且不会对完整的安全评估造成影响。目前的限制性监管制度往往对公共部门造成一定限制,使他们难以利用各种分子学方法为农民改良作物。
Science DOI:12;327(5967):833-4.
Radically rethinking agriculture for the 21st century.
Fedoroff NV, Battisti DS, Beachy RN, Cooper PJ, Fischhoff DA, Hodges CN, Knauf VC, Lobell D, Mazur BJ, Molden D, Reynolds MP, Ronald PC, Rosegrant MW, Sanchez PA, Vonshak A, Zhu JK.
Population growth, arable land and fresh water limits, and climate change have profound implications for the ability of agriculture to meet this century's demands for food, feed, fiber, and fuel while reducing the environmental impact of their production. Success depends on the acceptance and use of contemporary molecular techniques, as well as the increasing development of farming systems that use saline water and integrate nutrient flows.