2013年6月23日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --比利时制药公司Cardio公司开始一次小规模的IPO,计划募集2800万欧元(约合3700万美元)以支持其一项在欧洲的关于心力衰竭药物的晚期研究和在美国的一项研究的起始工作。在这次IPO中,Cardio3公司原有投资者SRIW购买了相当多的股份,也使市场怀疑公司能够不依靠原有投资者,独立走向市场。(生物谷Bioon.com)
The Belgian biotech Cardio3 BioSciences has mounted a relatively small €28 million ($36.95 million) IPO with a lot of help from previous investors. It aims to sell 1.3 million shares from €16.65 ($21.97) to €19 ($25.07) each between June 21 and July 3, raising money to fund the company's late-stage trial of a heart failure drug in Europe as well as work to begin a study of the therapy in the U.S., Reuters reported. As the news wire noted, SRIW and PMV have committed to buy €13.95 million ($18.41 million) of shares in the biotech group's IPO. SRIW is an existing investor, raising the question of whether the company could go public without the help of insiders.