关键词: 克隆
生物谷报道:美国两个党派包括加州州长施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)和洛杉矶市长威尔瑞乔克(Antonio Villaraigosa)在内的政府要员称他们支持一个由民主党参议员Dianne Feinstein提议的法案,该法案在不影响其他干细胞研究的前提下设置一个禁止人类生殖性克隆的联邦禁令。加州州长施瓦辛格说去年加州通过了一个10年内为治疗性干细胞研究提供30亿美元的资助,这已经表明了加州支持干细胞研究的态度,但加州支持干细胞的研究并不表明支持克隆的研究。在美国,保守派势力一直致力于反克隆研究,因此许多美国克隆专家在美国得不到足够的研究经费,而不得不远走他乡。相反,在英国和亚洲的韩国,中国都大力支持治疗性克隆的研究,使治疗性克隆研究居于世界前列。即便如此美国总统仍然严厉禁止任何有关克隆人的研究。
A bipartisan group of politicians — including Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa — announced their support for a federal bill that would ban reproductive human cloning without harming embryonic stem cell research.
Schwarzenegger, a Republican, said Tuesday that Californians showed their support last November for stem cell research by approving Proposition 71, which provides $3 billion in state tax-exempt bonds to fund such California-based research for 10 years.
Schwarzenegger also said he supports a Senate bill co-sponsored by Feinstein, a Democrat, that would make human reproductive cloning or attempts to clone humans a federal crime. California already has a state law banning human reproductive cloning.
A competing bill co-sponsored by Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kansas, also would make reproductive human cloning a federal crime, but it would include a ban on somatic cell nuclear transfer or therapeutic cloning.
"The Brownback bill is not designed to promote research and it would stop the California initiative in its tracks," Feinstein said during a news conference at the UCLA Neuroscience Research Building.
Feinstein also urged the Senate to pass a House bill approved by that chamber in May that would expand the number of stem cell lines eligible for federal funding for research.
Therapeutic cloning, which relies on the use of embryonic tissue, produces genetically identical stem cells that can develop into any other type of cell in the body.
Advocates believe the procedure has the potential to provide new treatments and cures for spinal cord injury patients and those suffering from juvenile diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and other debilitating diseases.
Opponents of therapeutic cloning contend the process involves creating human life to destroy it.
U.S. Rep. David Dreier, R-San Dimas, also attended the press conference to voice his support for Feinstein's bill. Dreier said he has talked to President Bush repeatedly about the subject.
"We should pursue all avenues of research," Dreier said. "There is bipartisan commitment on this issue."
Villaraigosa, a UCLA alumnus, said the benefits from stem cell research would be felt far beyond the state.
"We need Washington to stop playing politics that could impact California's efforts to lead the nation in life saving research," the mayor said.
Paul Berg, a Nobel Laureate and professor emeritus at Stanford University, said he supports the ban on human reproductive cloning, but added the government should not hinder scientists' ability to do research.
"We are not cloning people, we are cloning cells to treat patients," he said.
Candace Coffee, a UCLA graduate student who suffers from a rare ailment called Devic's Disease, urged Congress to pass Feinstein's legislation.
Coffee, 26, a former "Miss Bakersfield," became suddenly ill during a trip to Tibet and went blind in one eye. She takes 10 pills a day to ward off the disease's painful symptoms.
"Somatic cell nuclear transfer offers a chance for a cure," she said in a choking voice. "It's a chance for me to lead a normal life. Don't take away my hope."