* I will clean up my toys.
* I will brush my teeth twice daily, wash my hands after using the bathroom and before eating, and clean up my messes right away.
* I won't tease dogs and will keep my fingers and face away from dogs' mouths.
School-age children
* I will drink lots of milk, and limit soda and fruit drinks.
* I will spend a couple of minutes every morning and afternoon applying sunscreen before going outdoors, even in winter. I will try to stay in the shade and wear a hat and sunglasses, especially when I'm playing sports.
* I will try to find a sport (like basketball or soccer) or an activity (like jumping rope, dancing or bike-riding) that I like and do it at least three times weekly.
* I will always wear protective gear, especially a helmet, when cycling, riding scooters or roller-blading.
* I will wear my seat belt every time I get in a car and use a booster seat until I can correctly use a lap-shoulder seat belt.
* I will be nice to other kids.
* I will never give out personal information such as my name, home address, school name or telephone number in an Internet chat room or bulletin board and will never send someone I chat with on the computer a picture of myself without my parents' permission.
* If I see an unsupervised gun or another child with a gun, I will not touch the gun and will get help from a parent or trusted adult.
* I will eat at least one fruit and one vegetable daily, and will limit drinking soda.
* I will take care of my body through sports, fitness and nutrition.
* I will choose nonviolent television shows and video games and will only spend one to two hours daily at the most on these activities.
* I will check to see if I can give away any of my unwanted clothes and shoes to the needy.
* I will quit negative "self-talk" (i.e., "I can't do it" or "I'm so dumb").
* Whenever I'm feeling angry or stressed out, I will take a break and look for constructive ways to feel better, such as exercising, reading, writing in a journal or talking out my problem with a parent or friend.
* I will be smart about whom I choose to date.
* I will resist peer pressure to try drugs and alcohol.